Picky Chameleon? Here’s What Might Be Going On
Chameleons are insectivores, which means that they evolved to get their nutrition from a variety of different insects in order to get the nutrients that they need. This also means that if your cham...

What Do Jackson's Chameleon Eat?
The Jackon's Chameleon is native to woodland and forested areas of South Central Kenya and Northern Tanzania. The males are easily identified by the three horn-like appendages protruding from their...

What Can My Veiled Chameleon Eat?
Veiled chameleons are a favorite amongst reptile lovers; they have a particularly interesting character and unusual appearance; however, they can be difficult for beginners because of their advan...

What Can My Panther Chameleon Eat?
Your panther chameleon is an insectivore, the choice of insects that your chameleon eats is decided by what their owner decides to offer since they are opportunist hunters in the wild they will dec...