Leopard Geckos

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Leopard Gecko Lighting

Leopard Gecko Lighting

Leopard Geckos are nocturnal, however, that doesn't mean that it doesn't matter what lights are used for them in the day. You may have heard that because they are nocturnal that they do not need an...

Leopard Gecko Morphs

Leopard Gecko Morphs

Leopard Geckos are one of the more popular and loved reptiles in the industry. Being cute as a button, tame, easy-going, and with a relatively easy care level, it is easy to see why. As with other ...

feeder insectsLeopard Gecko Diet (The Best Insects For Your Leopard Gecko)

Leopard Gecko Diet (The Best Insects For Your Leopard Gecko)

A leopard gecko's health and wellbeing is based on various elements. One of the most significant factors that need to be taken into account is their diet. 

leopard geckoAre Leopard Geckos Good Pets?

Are Leopard Geckos Good Pets?

If you’re into reptiles, leopard geckos can make a great pet. 

leopard geckoHow Heavy Can A Leopard Gecko Get?

How Heavy Can A Leopard Gecko Get?

Adult leopard geckos usually weigh up to 50-100 grams and can reach 9 inches or more in length.

leopard geckoHow Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Water?

How Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Water?

Leopard geckos are a type of reptile that requires consistent hydration. They need drinking water and access to a humid area in their enclosures.