Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit?
bearded dragon

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Fruit?

Yes, they definitely can. However, some fruits are more suitable for bearded dragons than others. 

bearded dragonCan Bearded Dragon Eat Grapes?

Can Bearded Dragon Eat Grapes?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes but only as an occasional treat. 

bearded dragonWhat Veggies are Good for Bearded Dragons?

What Veggies are Good for Bearded Dragons?

The majority of vegetables in your bearded dragon's diet should be leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale, and dandelion greens.

bearded dragonWhat is the Bearded Dragon’s Favorite Food?

What is the Bearded Dragon’s Favorite Food?

Beardies love live food such as dubia roaches, superworms, black soldier fly larvae, and other insects. Dubia roaches last long, are extremely easy to breed and don’t smell bad.  Also, they are ve...

bearded dragonWhat Should I Do If My Bearded Dragon is Not Eating?

What Should I Do If My Bearded Dragon is Not Eating?

Sometimes your bearded dragon may refuse to eat their food. While this can be concerning, there are a few things you can try before you need to contact a vet. 

bearded dragonWhat Can Bearded Dragons Eat — A List

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat — A List

Beardies are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Your bearded dragon diet should contain a variety of insects, vegetables, and a little fruit.